Art and kids

I've been through times where art seemed like the last thing I needed to be doing. Especially as a mother, and then even moreso as a single mother! Errands to run, chores to complete, poopy diaper to change, the list was never-ending, and there's never enough time in the day! Now I'm a wife and mother of 2. I have to split my time between more people. My attention is spread so thin sometimes! Luckily, I have a husband who believes in me, and kids that like to art with me... my little one (3 going on 13) might even out-art me sometimes! She wants to color, or build Legos, or paint A LOT. And she's so good already! She got upset the other day because she ran out of blank paper to draw on, and she couldn't find a "pretty picture" to color in her many coloring books. Is this really my life? 🥰

When I was pregnant with my first, I had a legitimate worry: what if my kid hates arts and crafts? Well, I don't think about that anymore. In fact, when little miss doesn't have some artwork in her folder to come home from preschool some days, it's sort of a relief. What am I supposed to do with it all?! 

Big miss (10, and just got her first pimple 😳) came home with a permission slip the other day to play an instrument at school. Sometimes I can't even believe how lucky I am to have the kids I got. They're both so willing to try new things! Huh, maybe they get that from me...*thoughts wandering to all the new things I try*... Anyway, she wants to try the clarinet. Another form of creativity? Ok, I'll sign that line! Last year my heart about burst when she handed me a form to sign for art club! My cup overfloweth. HUGE.

I am so tickled to think that my girls will have outlets to deal with things that come up throughout their lives, like art has done for me in mine. Boy, has it gotten me through some rough times. But that's a story for another day!

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