Sleep, and the lack of

It is currently 4:31 am. I lay here in bed unable to sleep after my husband left for work. My grandmother is staying the night, and with a house full, she's gotta (unfortunately) sleep on the couch. My iPad is out there. I'd love to get some thoughts on "paper" in a productive way, but I don't want to go out and disturb her further.

Do you ever have a hard time sleeping? My brain has a hard time distinguishing when it should sleep and not. As soon as I wake up, I'm AWAKE. Like turning on a light, "boop!"

A lot of changes are happening at work, and I'm not really sure where that leaves me as far as the job I've been doing for over a decade. I still have a job, definitely. So there's some solice in that notion. But I've worked long and hard to make my department what it is, and now the bigwigs think they have a better plan based on a few sites they've seen. I feel clumped into a stereotype I've never fit.

So my very awake brain is dwelling on the what ifs and should bes. My tired eyes are wanting to close and rest....

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